Quarter | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
1st | # | # | # | # | # | |
2nd | # | # | # | # | # | |
3rd | # | # | # | # | # | # |
4th | # | # | # | # | # | # |
A brief description of all actions from:
1st June 2014 - 1st June 2019
Preparatory actions
Action Α1: Production of traps and attractants.
Action Α2: Preparatory monitoring of the demonstration areas.
Action Β: Implementation actions
Action Β1: Implementation of innovative Med traps at pilot scale.
Action Β2: Implementation of innovative Med traps at real scale.
Action C: Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
Action C1: Monitoring of project's environmental impact.
Action C2: Monitoring of project's social-economic impact.
Action D: Communication and dissemination actions
Action D1: Dissemination.
Action D2:"After-LIFE+ Communication Plan".
Detailed records on Project Diary
June – August 2014
- Project started on 1st June 2014
- The purchase of traps for the following efficacy test and for action B1 together with other consumables.
- AUTH: The attractiveness of Mediterranean fly adults for different doses of the innovative attractive Biodelear was studied to determine the optimal dose to be applied for B1 & B2 actions. (Action A1)
- UTH: Accomplished (Action A1):
- i. Selection of experimental orchards in the area of Magnesia.
- ii. Experimental design.
- iii. Preparation of the evaporators and traps of the attractive.
- BPI: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- BPI: Organization of the experimental procedure. Purchase of active substances and consumables from Benakio Phytopathological Institute. (Action A2).
- The first meeting of the Steering Committee took place in Athens on July 15, 2014, with all the beneficiaries. (Action E1 & E2)
September - December 2014
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- Kick off Meeting of the Life-Biodelear program in Kastri, Kifissia on 14/10/2014
- Kick off Meeting Steering Committee 29th, 30th of September all partners (AUTH, UTH, BPI, SSDA) in the island of Chios for action A2.
- Soil sampling (30/11/2014 to 3/12/2014). (Action A2)
- AUT: Sampling of mandarins of the Clementine and Chianti variety from the orchards where the Mediterranean fly was chosen to be used using Biodelear. All the fruits of each variety were transferred to the Laboratory of Insectology and Agricultural Zoology of the University of Thessaly in order to determine the insect attack rates. (Action A2)
- AUTH: Field visits to Campos in Chios and meetings with producers to launch Action B1. (Action B1)
- BPI: Development and validation of a multiresidue analytical method for the determination of 334 active ingredients of plant protection products in citrus fruits based on the Quechers method using GC/MS/MS, LC/MS/MS, GC/ECD and GC/MS FROM BPI. (Action A2).
- BPI: December 2014. 1st sampling of citrus fruits for action A2. Collection of 133 samples. (Action A2).
- BPI: Development and validation of a multiresidue analytical method for the determination of 19 active ingredients of plant growth regulators in citrus fruits with GC/MS/MS, LC/MS/MS, GC/ECD and GC/MS. (Action A2).
- AUTH: Field trials were conducted on the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki farm in northern Greece to evaluate the optimum dose of attractant. Treatments with three different quantities of Biodelear 17, 51 and 85 gr impregnated in custom-made sponge dispensers (vetex) were tested following a complete randomized block experimental design with six replicates (blocks). The traps were deployed on 22 September 2014. (Action A1)
- AUTH: The traps were checked every week and all the flies were counted, sexed, identified and removed. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the total catches per trap using the statistical package SPSS 20. (Action A1)
- AUTH: Visits where performed in Campos Chios to select suitable fruit citrus orchards to be used as experimental plots for the action A2. (Action A2)
- AUTH: To identify the level of the insect population 9 plastic McPhail-type traps baited with Βiolure dispensers were deployed on 30 October 2014 in the experimental orchards. Trap check and servicing was performed weekly. (Action A2)
January - March 2015
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- AUTH: The first measurements of the populations of the Mediterranean fly by AUTH. (Action A2)
- BPI: Coding, homogenization, sample preparation and chromatographic analysis of samples. (Action A2)
- BPI: Compilation and processing of data on the infestation of the fruits. (Action A2)
- Start of Action B.1
- AUTH: To assess the outcome of different management actions on medfly population four experimental citrus orchards. (Action B1)
- Meeting on 23-24 March in Thessaloniki with all beneficiaries (AUTH, UTH, BPI, SSDA).
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- SSDA: Creation of the Biodelear logo (Action D1)
- SSDA: Creation of the Biodelear web site, 27 February 2015. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/
April - June 2015
- ELGO: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- BPI: June 2015. 2nd sampling of citrus fruits for action A2. Collection of 67samples. (Action A2).
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- Preliminary actions were performed including the development and patenting of the mass trapping devices and their attractants, the optimisation of mass trap density and the development of a mass trapping strategy (sanitation, male annihilation etc.). (Action B1)
- UTH: Determination of soil biodiversity of arthropods in orchards selected for the pilot application of Biodelear (Action A2):
- A of pitfall traps was installed in each of the four selected orchards.
- 1 sampling was performed.
- The samples recovered were transferred to the Laboratory of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology of the University of Thessaly in order to identify the arthropods according to the class, class, family and genus where they belong.
- Organizing the entomological collection with the samples of biodiversity.
- Workshop presentation of the program Life-Biodelear at Homerion, Chios, June 22-25, 2015. (Action D1)
- Submission of the Inception Report 19/06/2015 by the Coordinator of the Life-Biodelear program. (Action D1)
- BPI: Creation of the first newsletter for Life-Biodelear project. (Action D1)
- BPI: Enrich official Life-Biodelear website. (Action D1)
July – September 2015
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- Financial checking together with the update progress of the program by the Life auditor Dr. A. Koutsolioutsou.
- BPI: Coding, homogenization, sample preparation and chromatographic analysis of samples. (Action A2).
- SSDA: Soil sampling on 5-9 August 2015. (Action A1 & B1)
- Preparatory monitoring of the demonstration areas: Two citrus orchards (Klidas and Kloubas) which have received no treatments, were regularly monitored from July 2015 until November 2015 using 10 plastic McPhail-type and 5 Jackson type traps. (Action A2)
- AUTH: Data were, recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. Descriptive statistics and analysis of medfly and non-target species data were done. (Action A2)
- AUT: Determination of soil biodiversity of arthropods in orchards selected for the pilot application of Biodelear (Action A2):
- Two samplings were performed.
- the trawl of the Mediterranean fly was tested.
- AUTH: The following actions were performed (Action B1):
- The deployment of mass trapping devices which were conducted from 7 to 10 September 2015: 100 mass trapping devices per ha was uniformly distributed in each experimental plot.
- The establishment of Buffer zones: A buffer zone, 10 m wide in the whole perimeter of the plot was established and in all three treatments.
- The service of mass trapping devices (MTD).
- The Efficacy assessment: which included the evaluation of mass trapping performance on the Medfly population density. In this context five Jackson traps baited with TML and five IPMT traps baited with Biolure was set out in each experimental plot (some of the traps already were used for medfly population during the action A1: Preparatory monitoring of the demonstration areas).
- BPI: Enrich official Life-Biodelear website. (Action D1)
- The Inception Report of the LIFE-Biodelear project was submitted to the European Commission on the 19th of June 2015 and describes the progress of each of the project’s actions during the period 01/06/2014- 28/02/2015.
October - December 2015
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractant Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- Purchased traps McPhail traps from abroad. (Action A1)
- UTH: Determination of soil biodiversity of arthropods in orchards selected for the pilot application of Biodelear (Action A2):
- Two samplings were performed.
- UTH: Fruit sampling was performed in November in each of the different test pieces, as well as by the three martyrs. In total, 2,250 fruits were harvested and transferred to the Laboratory of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology of the University of Thessaly in order to determine the infestation rates from the Mediterranean fly. (Action B1)
- AUTH: Determination of the infestation of citrus fruits from the Mediterranean fly within experimental orchards. (Action B1)
- BPI: December 2015. Sampling of citrus fruits for action B1. Collection of 92samples. (Action B1).
- AUTH: To assess the outcome of different management actions on medfly population the four selected experimental citrus orchards have received four different treatments (mass trapping with Biodelear, mass trapping with Biolure. (Action B1)
- AUTH: The conventional citrus orchards have received bait sprays on (Action B1):
- 7/10/2015: with Decis Protech 1.5 Ew
- 29/10/2015: with Decis 2.5EC
- 31/10/2015 with Decis 2.5EC.
- The first project leaflets were created on November 2015 (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/70-project-leaflet
- Three large metallic board were posted to the farms that will participated in the program in island of Chios for actions B1 & B2 in December 2015. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/68-information-signs
January - March 2016
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractant Biodelear (Action A1)
- Purchased traps McPhail traps and other consumables for A2 and B2. (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- Compilation and processing of data on the infestation of the fruits. (Action A2)
- BPI: Coding, homogenization, sample preparation and chromatographic analysis of samples. (Action B1).
- BPI: Validation of the multiresidue method for the determination of residues in citrus fruits in the LC/MS/TOF chromatographic system. (Action Β1)
- UTH: The service of mass trapping devices (MTD) was performed for the new season. Traps were checked every week. Replacement of TML and Biolure dispensers were conducted following commercial partner’s instructions. Data were, recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. (Action B1)
- SSDA: Soil sampling on 28-29 March 2016. (Action B2)
- AUTH: "Risk analysis of the preparatory population monitoring of the pilot area and implementation of innovative med traps at pilot scale ", was done to evaluate the likelihood of specific constrains that could affect the action B1 (implementation of innovative med traps at pilot scale). (Action A2)
- Meeting of all beneficiaries of the program (AUTH, AUT, BPI, SSIA) Life-Biodelear at Elgo-DEMETRA (SSDA), in Lykovrisi 1, Venizelou Str, Athens, 1-2 February 2016 Dissemination meeting committee; Steering meeting of the committee; Technical -Monitoring meeting. (Action E1)
- Meeting of all beneficiaries (AUTH, AUT, BPI, SSDA) of the program Life-Biodelear at Elgo-DEMETRA (SSDA) in Lykovrisi1, Venizelou St., Athens 7th,8th,9th of March 2016 Dissemination meeting committee; Steering meeting of the committee; Technical -Monitoring meeting. (Action E1)
- BPI: Create first Newsletter (Newsletter # 1). (English Greek). (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/73-life-bio-newsletter
- BPI: Enrich official Life-Biodelear website. (Action D1)
April - June 2016
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- Purchased traps and other consumables for B1 and B2 actions. (Action A1)
- Coding, homogenisation, sample preparation and chromatographic analysis of samples. (Action B1).
- UTH: Determination of the terrestrial biodiversity of arthropods in experimental orchards (Action B1):
- Two samplings were performed.
- AUTH: The condition of the dispensers was checked every 2 weeks and the replacement of the dispenser of Biodelear was done every month. The replacement of the Biolure dispensers was done at the end of every 3 months observation period. (Action B1)
- AUTH: Five trapping stations (randomly distributed within the experimental plot), consisting of one McPhail and one Jackson trap each (placed ca 15m apart), were established in each experimental plot. (Action B1)
- AUTH: Captures of medflies, as well as those of non-target insects were recorded and removed from traps every week. Replacement of trimedlure and BioLure dispensers were conducted every 3 and 4 weeks respectively. (Action B1)
- AUTH: Trap check and servicing was performed weekly. The number of male and female medflies as well as and non-target insects captured were scored. (Action B1)
- Financial audit by the Life auditor Dr. A. Koutsolioutsou on 23.06.2016. A series of Actions took place for project dissemination: (Action D1)
- Creation of 8 metallic boards with the Life-Biodelear program.
- Press release to the media on May 18th to hold a meeting in Chambos of Chios from the research team of the project. The Bulletin was published and released on many pages on the Internet. https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/68-information-signs
- Life-Biodelear project participated in the European Pesticide Residues Workshop 2016, which was carried out on 24-27 May 2016 in Limassol, Cyprus. The title of the presentation was “Addressing Med fly with an innovative and environment friendly attractant through an Integrated Pest Management Strategy”. https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/92-life-biodelear-in-the-european-pesticide-residues-workshop-2016
- On 7th of June, the Life-Biodelear research group organized a workshop at the Citrus Museum in Campos, Chios. https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/el/nea/116-2nd-workshop-news-gr
- On 8 June the scientific team of the project together with the participating farmers welcomed the program orchards, farmers and agronomists. During their visit, the participants had the opportunity to be informed by scientists from the LIFE-Biodelear research team about the treatment of the Mediterranean fly using the mass trapping method, the importance of the method for environmental protection and consumer health fresh fruit, but also the conditions for its application. https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/96-farmers-visited-the-experimental-orchards-of-life-biodelear
- BPI: Enrich official Life-Biodelear website.
July – September 2016
- SSDA: The synthesis attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- AUT: Determination of soil biodiversity of arthropods within experimental orchards (Action B1):
- Two samplings were performed.
- AUT: Determination of arboreal biodiversity of arthropods in experimental orchards (Action B1):
- An orange tree was selected in each of the test plots as well as controls and spraying with a suitable insecticide (strong shredding action) was applied. The arthropods that were killed were collected on plastic substrates that were placed under the trees.
- Two samplings were performed.
- The samples recovered were transferred to the Laboratory of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology of the University of Thessaly in order to identify the arthropods according to the class, the family and the genus they belong to.
- AUTH: The population density of the Mediterranean fruit fly of the trapping stations was assessed with McPhail type traps (baited with the three-component Biolure dispensers) and the Jackson traps (baited with the male specific attractant trimedlure). (Action B1)
- Coding, homogenization, sample preparation and chromatographic analysis of samples. (Action B1).
- Conducting research with the creation of questionnaires sent to farmers in the region of Chios. (Action D1)
- Publication of the Newsletter (1st issue) of LIFE-BIODELEAR project in the website of Hellenic Entomological Society. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/133-the-newsletter-of-life-biodelear-in-the-hellenic-entomological-society
- Participation in the 9th International Conference on Integrated Fruit Production, held in Thessaloniki from 4 to 8 September. The presentation was titled "Mass trapping of Ceratitis capitata using the new attractant BIODELEAR". (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/85-life-biodelear-9th-international-conference-on-integrated-fruit-production
October - December 2016
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- Meeting with all the beneficiaries (AUTH, AUT, BPI, SSDA) of the program Life-Biodelear on October 31 to November 3,2016, in Athens, at Akropolis Divani Hotel for meetings of the Dissemination meeting committee; Steering meeting of the committee; Technical-Monitoring.
- Meeting on the 8th to 9th December 2016 in Thessaloniki for the planning of Action B2 and the review of Action B1.
- Meeting 19th-20th December 2016 in Chios for the actions B2.
- AUT: Determination of soil biodiversity of arthropods within experimental orchards (Action B1):
- Two samplings were performed.
- AUT: Determination of citrus fruit attack by the Mediterranean fly in experimental orchards (Action B1):
- Fruit sampling was performed in December on each of the different test pieces as well as by the three witnesses with the same methodology we have described.
- AUT: Based on the fact that coleoptera are one of the most reliable indicators of soil arthropod biodiversity, they were selected for the assessment of soil diversity indicators within experimental orchards. In particular, the following indices of biodiversity based on coleoptera recovered from the Action C1:
- i. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H)
- ii. Shimpson's index of dominance (D)
- iii. Shannon's evenness diversity index (E)
- iv. Richness (R)
- v. Relative Abundance (A)
- A series of Actions took place for project dissemination: (Action D1)
- Create and send the second Newsletter (Newsletter #2). (English Greek). (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/107-newsletter-2-november-2016
- Life-Biodelear project participated in the Eurosoil 2016 conference, which was carried out on 16-21 October 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. The title of the presentation was title “Effects on the soil quality in an ecological control of the Medfly (Ceratitis capitata) with the use of the attractant Biodelear”. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/101-life-biodelear-in-eurosoil-2017
January - March 2017
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sampling on 1-3 March 2017. (Action B1)
- SSDA: Soil sampling on 29-31 March 2017. (Action A2-B2)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- BPI: January/ March 2017. Sampling of citrus fruits for action B2. (preparatory monitoring of B2). Collection of 341 samples. (Action A2).
- UTH: Collection and processing of data related to the infestation of the fruits. (Action B1)
- UTH: Organization of the actions of the year with a relevant visit to the experimental fields in the area of Kampos in Chios. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Selection of experimental orchards: Visits were performed in Chios and 13 different citrus orchards of a total coverage of 9.85ha were selected and rented to run the trials for the action B2. (Action B2)
- UTH: Experimental set up: Three citrus orchards served as control and ten orchards served as treatment. Mass trapping devices were distributed inside the experimental orchards. Biodelear was used with 985 traps of International Pheromones (IP) McPhail-type for the reduction of the med fly population together with a surfactant of 10% of propylene glycol as a killing device. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Population monitoring: The Establishment of ‘’monitoring station’’ insight each of the experimental fruit orchards was performed. Each station consisted of 3traps: one McPhail trap baited with biodelear as lure, one McPhail trap baited with biolure as an attractant and one typical Jackson type trap and monitoring of the adult medfly population status as well as non-target insect species. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Μedfly capturing and checking: To capture the attracted fly’s insight the McPhail-type traps and for the monitoring purposes, 250 ml of a 10% water solution of propylene glycol were added to the lower part of the trap.
- AUTH: Trap check and servicing was performed weekly. The number of male and female medflies as well as and of non-target insects captured in the McPhail traps were scored. (Action B2)
- Life-Biodelear is organizing its 3rd Workshop on the 21th of April 2017 at 17.30 in Amalia Hotel, Nafplio. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/128-life-biodelear-third-workshop
- Life-Biodelear project was presented in “Kipotechnica, professional”, which was carried out on 10-12 February 2017 in MEC Paiania, Athens. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/124-life-biodelear-in-kipotechnica-professional
- The strategy, the evolution and the goals of LIFE-BIODELEAR were published in DEMETER magazine, Issue 17, January-March 2017 (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/176-publication-of-life-biodelear-in-demeter-magazine
April - June 2017
- SSDA: The synthesis attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- SSDA: Field sanitation
- BPI: Coding, homogenization, sample preparation and chromatographic analysis of samples. (Actions Α2 and Β1).
- UTH: Determination of soil biodiversity of arthropods within experimental orchards (Action A2):
- Two samplings were performed.
- UTH: Determination of citrus fruit attack by the Mediterranean fly in experimental orchards (Action A2):
- One sampling were performed.
- AUTH: The number of male and female medflies as well as and non-target insects captured were scored. Data were recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. (Action B2)
- BPI: Press Releases of LIFE-BIODELEAR in agrolidaportal.gr, argolida-net. (Action D1)
- To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Natura 2000 and LIFE, Life-Biodelear participated on the 18th of May 2017 to the Green Fund's and Greek LIFE Task Force workshop. There was an exhibition stand of the project, as well as delegates of LIFE-BIODELEAR project team. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/159-life-biodelear-in-green-fund-s-and-greek-life-task-force-workshop
- Life-Biodelear project participated in the “Third FAO/IAEA International Conference on Area-Wide Management of Insect Pests: Integrating the Sterile Insect and Related Nuclear and Other Techniques”, which was carried out on 22-26 May 2017 in Vienna, Austria. The title of the presentation was «An environmentally friendly new attractant (BIODELEAR) for the mass trapping of Ceratitis capitata». (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/163-life-biodelear-in-the-third-fao-iaea-international-conference-on-area-wide-management-of-insect-pests
July – September 2017
- SSDA: The synthesis attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- SSDA: Field sanitation
- BPI: Analysis of results. (Actions Α2 and Β1).
- UTH: Determination of soil biodiversity of arthropods within experimental orchards (Action B1):
- One sampling were performed.
- UTH: Determination of citrus fruit attack by the Mediterranean fly in experimental orchards (Action B1):
- One sampling were performed.
- AUTH: The number of male and female medflies as well as and non-target insects captured were scored. Data were recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Testing the male annihilation technique (MAT): Four citrus orchards were selected to run the MAT along with mass trapping to test its efficacy in optimizing the integrated strategies for medfly control. MAT settlement was performed by distributing McPhail traps impregnated with a liquid lure and insecticide mixture at a density rate of 15 traps per/ha. (Action B2)
- AUTH: The number of male and female medflies as well as and non-target insects captured were scored. Data were recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. (Action B2)
- LIFE Biodelear project participated in the “IOBC/WPRS Meeting on Citrus Pests, Diseases and Weeds” in Valencia, Spain. Life-Biodelear project participated in the meeting with a separated section dedicated to its objectives. All beneficiaries introduced Life-Biodelear to the participants of the conference and described its main experimental topics and the up to now results with oral and poster presentations. Two oral presentations: (Action D1): https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/198-life-biodelear-in-the-iobc-wprs-meeting-on-citrus-pests-diseases-and-weeds
- Koulousis N., Papadopoulos N, Ioannou Ch., Damos P., Koveos D., Gerofotis Ch., Kyritsis G., Mavraganis V., Bempelou E. 2017. The life project BIODELEAR: Towards the development of an integrated pest management strategy (IPMS) for the sustainable management for the control of Medfly (Ceratitis capitata).
- Koulousis N., Papadopoulos N, Damos P., Ioannou Ch., Gerofotis Ch., Koveos D., Mavraganis V., 2017. Trapping efficacy of Biodelear-baited McPhail traps against Ceratitis capitata.
- Prof Nikos Papadopoulos visited the “Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)” and presented the projects to its scientists. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/202-visit-of-life-biodelear-delegates-in-the-instituto-valenciano-de-investigaciones-agrarias-ivia
- Dr Eleftheria Bempelou and prof Nikos Papadopoulos presented the project to private stakeholders, as Grupo Tragsa – SEPI. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/206-presentation-of-biodelear-project-to-private-stakeholders
October - December 2017
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- SSDA: Field sanitation
- BPI: Analysis of results. (Actions Α2 and Β1).
- UTH: Determination of soil biodiversity of arthropods within experimental orchards (Action B1):
- One sampling were performed.
- UTH: Determination of citrus fruit attack by the Mediterranean fly in experimental orchards (Action B1):
- One sampling were performed.
- UTH: Based on the fact that coleoptera are one of the most reliable indicators of soil arthropod biodiversity, they were selected for the assessment of soil diversity indicators within experimental orchards. In particular, the following indices of biodiversity based on coleopterus recovered from the Action C1:
- i. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H)
- ii. Shimpson's index of dominance (D)
- iii. Shannon's evenness diversity index (E)
- iv. Richness (R)
- v. Relative Abundance (A)
- AUTH: The number of male and female medflies as well as and non-target insects captured were scored. Data were recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Data analysis was performed for 2017 using ANOVA where each combination of trap type, bait and medflies were treated as dependent variables and after appropriate transformations, to comply with normality and equal variances requirements, when necessary. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Flies per Trap per Day (FTD) were used as a population index to estimate the average number of flies captured in one trap in one day that the trap is exposed in the field. (Action B2)
- The up to now obtained results were published in the Integrated Control in Citrus Fruit Crops IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, Vol. 132, 2018 pp. 186-191: Monitoring of pesticide residues in citrus fruits and soil properties under the framework of the developing of an integrated pest management strategy (IPMS) for the sustainable management for the control of medfly (Ceratitis capitata) LIFE BIODELEAR (LIFE13 ENV/GR/000414) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/240-post-results-on-integrated-control-in-citrus-fruit-crops-iobc-wprs-bulletin
January - March 2018
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Replication of soil sampling on 29 January till 1 February 2018. (Action B1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- BPI: Create and send the fourth Newsletter (Newsletter # 4). (English Greek). (Action D1)
April - June 2018
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Purchase of traps for the implementation of the Integrated Strategy of Controlling of the med fly pest for action B2
- SSDA: Soil sampling on 25-29 June 2018. (Action B2)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- Life-Biodelear for the second consecutive year was screened at the “64th Florist Exhibition in Kifissia”, which took place from April 26 to May13, 2018 in Kifissia Athens. Life-Biodelear posters were posted and presented at the Benaki Phytopathological Institutes, which participated as an exhibitor in the exhibition. Also, distributes brochures for his work to visitors to the exhibition. (ACTION D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/210-life-biodelear-in-64th-florist-exhibition-in-kifissia
- Life-Biodelear project participated in the 10th International Symposium of Fruit Files of Economic Importance to be held from 23-27 April 2018, in Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico. All beneficiaries introduced Life-Biodelear to the participants of the conference and described its main experimental topics and the up to now results with oral and poster presentations. Two oral presentations: (Action D1):
- Prof. Nikolaos Koulousis: “Trapping efficacy of Biodelear Mc Phall traps against ceratitis capitata”
- Prof. Nikolaos Papadopoulos: “Biodelear: a new attractant for an environmentally sound management of Ceratitis capitata employing a mass trapping strategy” https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/217-life-biodelear-traveled-to-mexico-for-the-10th-international-symposium-of-fruit-files-of-economic-importance
- Life-Biodelear participated in the information conference organized by the Green Fund and the Greek Life Task Force for LIFE and the Rural Sector, which took place in Athens at the TITANIA Hotel on June1, 2018. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/212-life-biodelear-at-the-information-day-life-biodelear-at-the-information-day-organized-by-the-green-fundandthe-greek-life-task-force
- Creating and developing a network of participants in the project Life-Biodelear. (Action D1)
- Start creating an informative and promotional video for the project Life-Biodelear. (Action D1)
- AUTH: The service of mass trapping devices (MTD) was performed for the new season. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Traps were checked every week. The number of male and female medflies as well as and non-target insects captured were scored. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Data were, recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Traps were checked every week. The number of male and female medflies as well as and non-target insects captured were scored. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Data were, recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. (Action B2)
July – September 2018
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- BPI: Create and send the fifth Newsletter (Newsletter # 5). The bulletin was sent to more than 400 recipients (English - Greek). (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/263-newsletter-5-july-2018
- The objectives, strategy and development of the Life-Biodelear project were presented by the agricultural and agronomic journalistic websites: (Action D1)
- geoponoi.gr
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/225-presentation-of-life-biodelear-at-e-geoponoi-gr - agro24.gr
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/232-the-work-of-the-life-biodelear-program-at-agro24-gr - ypaithros.gr
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/237-life-biodelear-in-the-countryside - agravia.gr.
- geoponoi.gr
- Under the framework of the dissemination plan of LIFE-BIODELEAR, the research team proceeded to the creation of promotional/ advertising material (hat, sack, notepad, pen, etc.). (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/252-creation-of-promotional-material
- An interview was given by Dr. Kingdom Mavraganis in the country's largest country paper "Ypaithros" to inform farmers and agronomists about the use of the new attractive Biodelear. (Action D1) https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/237-life-biodelear-in-the-countryside
- AUTH: Traps were checked every week. The number of male and female medflies as well as and non-target insects captured were scored. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Data were, recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. (Action B2)
October - December 2018
- SSDA: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- A series of Actions took place for project dissemination: (Action D1)
- Meeting of Life-Biodelear project team with faculty members of the Cyprus University of Technology. https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/249-meeting-of-a-life-biodelear-research-team-with-faculty-members-of-cut
- On October the 15th, the workshop was held at the Cyprus University of Technology, organized by the Life-Biodelear project team. The team was guided by Mr. Kontzionis on the farm as well as in the company's packing room. https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/247-view-information-events
- Scheduled visit to the largest citrus farm in Cyprus by the Biodelear team that visited Cyprus. https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/256-visit-to-the-largest-citrus-farm-in-cyprus
- The promotional and informative video created by the Life-Biodelear research team is published on December 18th. The video was sent to more than 400 recipients of the Life-Biodelear network. https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/facts/269-life-biodelear-promotion-video
- Enrich official Life-Biodelear website.
January - March 2019
- ELGO: The synthesis of the attractive Biodelear (Action A1)
- BPI: Final questionnaire on the socio-economic impact of the innovative attractive Biodelear, adapted to different target groups. (Action C1)
- BPI: Posting a questionnaire on the official website of the program as well as distribution to farmers and citizens of the region of Chios. (Action C1)
- SSDA: Soil sampling on 28-31 January 2019. (Action B2)
- SSDA: Soil sample analysis and data processing.
- On 21/12/2019 a financial audit was carried out along with the progress of the program update by Life's Auditor. A. Koutsolioutsou.
- Several actions related to project advertising (Action D1):
- On 14 January the Life-Biodelear project was screened by Agrocapital.gr agricultural news site. https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/docs/pubblications/273-life-biodelear-was-screened-by-agrocapital-gr
- Creation and sending of the sixth Newsletter (Newsletter # 6). The bulletin was sent to more than 400 recipients (English - Greek).
- AUTH: Traps were checked every week. The number of male and female medflies as well as and non-target insects captured were scored. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Data were, recorded weekly in hard copies and transferred on excel sheets. (Action B2)
- AUTH: Data analysis was performed for 2018 using ANOVA where each combination of trap type, bait and medflies were treated as dependent variables and after appropriate transformations, to comply with normality and equal variances requirements, when necessary.
- AUTH: Flies per Trap per Day (FTD) was used as a population index to estimate the average number of flies captured in one trap in one day that the trap is exposed in the field.Means were separated with Tukey’s HSD test (α = 0.05).
April - June 2019
BPI: Release of the sixth Newsletter (Newsletter #6) of the project. The Newsletter was sent to more than 400 recipients, members of the project’s network (English - Greek). (Action D1)
BPI: Life-Biodelear was presented at the “65th Florist Exhibition in Kifissia”, which took place from April 30 to May 19, 2019 in Kifissia Athens. (Action D1)
July-September 2019
SSDA: Completion of the Business Plan.
BPI: Dr Eleftheria Bempelou visited the 1st class of the 130th Primary School of Athens and presented LIFE-Biodelear, under the framework of the project "The Forest: A Gift of Life" which is implemented in this school. (Action D1)
AUTH: Creation of guidelines for farmers using two informational leaflets:
- One leaflet describes the use of the McPhail and Jackson trap to monitor the Mediterranean fly.
- The second leaflet describes the attractive Biodelear, explains the meaning of mass trapping and gives instructions on the operation of a McPhail trap.https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/317-creating-guides
Several actions were taken for the closing of the project. The research team travelled to Chios on October 7th -9th 2019 and organized visits to local authorities and the closing ceremony of LIFE-Biodelear. (Action D1)
On October, the 8th, 2019, Dr. Bempelou and the research team from the Benaki Phytopathological Institute visited our local consultant agronomist and project partner, Mr. Despoina Anagnostou
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/318-visit-to-a-local-agronomist-in-chios -
The project's scientific team visited the Vice Prefect of Chios, Mr. Pantelis Bougdanos and expressed our appreciation for the help and support during the implementation of the project
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/320-visit-the-vice-prefect-of-chios -
The project's scientific team visited the Mayor of Chios, Mr. Stamatis Karmantzis and presented him the outcome of the project.
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/323-visit-the-mayor-of-chios - The final workshop for the closure of the LIFE-Biodelear program took place on Tuesday, October 8th at 17:00 pm, at the Chandris Hotel in Chios.
Life-Biodelear participated in the 18th Panhellenic Entomological Congress, Komotini, October 15th -18th, 2019. (Action D1)
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/327-participation-in-the-18th-panhellenic-entomological-congress -
Interview of the coordinator of Life-Biodelear Dr V. Mavraganis in the rural journal Ypaithros.gr. (Action D1)
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/328-interview-of-dr-v-mavraganis -
BPI: Creation and release of the seventh Newsletter (Newsletter #7). The newsletter was sent to more than 400 recipients (English - Greek). (Action D1)
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/313-newsletter-8 -
BPI: Design and creation Layman’s Report. The creation of the layman’s report took place after the completion of Life-Biodelear. (Action D1)
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/314-creation-layman-s-report -
SSDA/UTH/AUTH/BPI: Design and creation of the document “« A simplified guide book to farmers for the control of the medflies (Ceratitis capitata) by presenting the Integrated Mediterranean Strategy with the use of the innovative attractant Biodelear.” (in Greek, English, Italian, Spanish and French). (Action D)
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/345-publication-of-the-technical-report-guidebook -
SSDA/UTH/AUTH/BPI Ι: Design and creation of the document «Policy Makers Report regarding the results of the environmental monitoring and the obtained results» (in Greek and English).
https://www.biodelear.gr/index.php/en/actuality/facts/343-publication-of-the-technical-report-2 -
ΕΛΓΟ/ΠΘ/ΑΠΘ/ΜΦΙ: Design and creation of the document «A Simplified Report for policy makers regarding the results of the socioeconomic monitoring in LIFE-BIODELEAR» (in Greek and English).