Life-Biodelear project participated in the Eurosoil 2016 conference, which was carried out on 16-21 October 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. The title of the presentation was τίτλο «Effects on the soil quality in an ecological control of the Medfly (Ceratitis capitata) with the use of the attractant BIODELEAR».

 Up to now, 3 soil samplings from the pilot experimental orchards with citrus trees were conducted, and approximately 150 soil samples have been analyzed. Soils were taken bellow citrus tree canopies, and between the tree rows from soil depths of 0-10 cm and 0-30 cm. The results showed that most of the pilot fields are poor in organic matter and nitrogen, low in available P, with high amounts of Ca, Mg, adequate CEC, and low content in micronutrients. Despite that the soils are enriched in concentrations of Cu due to the pesticides used in the area. The microbial activity on the soil was found to have variation depending of the area where the soil samplings took place. By the end of the projects, alternative cultivations practices for soil management related to the protection from Med fly will be recommended in order to improve soil fertility, fruit yield and quality

After-life plan



Project Timetable

The project started on June 1st 2014 and was completed on October 25th 2019

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