The kick off meeting of the Steering Committee of LIFE-BIODELEAR was organized on 15 July 2014 in Athens at SSIA‟s premises. The meeting was coordinated by the scientific coordinator of the project Dr Mavraganis Vasileios and the director of SSIA, Dr Theocharopoulos Sideris. Each of the beneficiaries presented their Actions in order to find ways to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness through cooperation.

Read more: LIFE-BIODELEAR kick off meeting

All the beneficiaries of LIFE-BIODELEAR (SSIA, AUTH, UTH and BPI) visited the area Campos in the island of Chios on the 1-3 December of 2014. The subject of the meeting was
• Collection of fruits for pesticide residues analysis
• Soil samples for analysis, and
• Assessment of the percentage of fruit infestation and med fly population

Read more: 1st Technical –Monitoring Committee (T-MC)

On the 2nd of December 2014, the representative team of the project BIODELEAR visited the Mayor of Chios Mr Manoli Vournou and the Vice Prefect of Chios Mr Stamatis Karmantzis. Local representatives were informed about the actions of the project and the benefits that Chios will obtain from it. Besides the control of the damaging med fly with a non toxic attractant, the area of Campos as well as Chios in general will be the beginning for the application of Biodelear in intensively cultivated Mediterranean areas.

Read more: Visit of LIFE – Biodelear Team with the Mayor and Vice Prefect of Chios

Life-Biodelear project participated in the 9th International Conference on Integrated Fruit Production, which was carried out on 4-8 September 2016 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The title of the presentation was «Mass trapping of Ceratitis capitata using the new attractant BIODELEAR».

According to the so far results, the LIFE program strongly suggest that mass trapping with the new attractant BIODELEAR can effectively control the population of Ceratitis capitata, lower citrus fruit infestation and preserve biodiversity of arthropods.

On Tuesday 8 June 2016 the second visit of LIFE-Biodelear project by the External Monitoring Team of the European Commission was held. The visit took place at the experimental orchards of the project and later on the meeting room of Chandris hotel in the city of Chios. All the partners involved in the project were present. Partners discussed the progress of each project action, and elaborated on the future deliverables.

Read more: 2nd project visit by the External Monitoring Team

Life-Biodelear project participated in the European Pesticide Residues Workshop 2016, which was carried out on 24-27 May 2016 in Limassol, Cyprus. The title of the presentation was «Addressing Med fly with an innovative and environment friendly attractant through an Integrated Pest Management Strategy».

Up to now 300 citrus fruit samples have been sampled according to Directive 91972/2003, and analysed with a multiresidue analytical method capable of analysing 334 pesticides and 18 plant growth regulators. Those preparatory samplings depicted the pesticide residues fingerprint of the experimental areas prior to the application of mass trapping with Biodelear.

Read more: Life-Biodelear in the European Pesticide Residues Workshop 2016

On 8 June 2016 farmers of Chios visited the experimental orchards of Life-Βiodelear. During their visit all participants had the opportunity to be informed about the mass trapping technique and its use in the control of Med fly. Moreover, they were informed about all the parameters that are being monitored and evaluated during the project, such as the population of Med fly, pesticides and plant growth regulators residue analysis in citrus fruits, biodiversity monitoring and soil analysis.

Read more: Farmers visited the experimental orchards of LIFE-Biodelear

Life-Biodelear project participated in the Eurosoil 2016 conference, which was carried out on 16-21 October 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. The title of the presentation was τίτλο «Effects on the soil quality in an ecological control of the Medfly (Ceratitis capitata) with the use of the attractant BIODELEAR».

Read more: Life-Biodelear in Eurosoil 2016

After-life plan
