
The 3rdworkshop of Life-Biodelear project was successfully held in the 21 of April 2017 in Hotel Amalia, Nauplio.

Representatives of the government, the Deputy Mr Andrianos and local authorities, the Vice Prefect of Argolis Mr Chividopoulos Tassos, agronomists, members of the agricultural cooperatives of citrus growers of Argolis, farmers and citizens from the whole region of Peloponesse participated in the workshop.

Read more: 3rdworkshop of Life-Biodelear

Life-Biodelear project was presented in “63th Florist Exhibition in Kifissia”, from the 27th of April to the 14th of May 2017 in Kifissia Athens.

Benaki Phytopathological Institute was one of the exhibitors. Posters of Life-Biodelear were included in its stand and leaflets of the project were distributed among exhibitors.

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63η Ανθοκομική Έκθεση Κηφισιάς 63η Ανθοκομική Έκθεση Κηφισιάς
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LIFE-BIODELEAR is organizing  its 3rd Workshop on the 21th of April 2017 at 17.30 in Amalia Hotel, Nafplio.

During the workshop all beneficiaries will present the project in the participants and will inform them regarding the implementation of the new attractant BIODELEAR in the citrus of CHIOS for the control of Med fly.

Read more: Life Biodelear- Third Workshop

Life-Biodelear project was presented in “Kipotechnica, professional”, which was carried out on 10-12 February 2017 in MEC Paiania, Athens. 

Benaki Phytopathological Institute was one of the exhibitors. Posters of Life-Biodelear were included in its stand and leaflets of the project were distributed among exhibitors.


Interview of the coordinator of LIFE-BIODELEAR Dr V. Mavraganis in Alithia Radio Station, Chios


Broadcast of the 2nd  workshop of LIFE-BIODELEAR in Alithia TV, Chios.



The rental of large scale experimental orchards of LIFE-BIODELEAR has been fulfilled. Following the appropriate procedures 12 ha of citrus orchards were chosen for the implementation of mass trapping technique using biodelear for the control of med fly. The research team of the project visited the orchards at the December 20, 2016. Mass trapping technique will be applied in the spring of 2017 and will last for 2 years.

Read more: Rental of large scale experimental orchards

newsletterno21The newsletter's second issue features the main results of the last semester action, as well as the dissemination activities of the project and future events.

Read,download the Newsletter

The 1st Steering Committee (SC) of LIFE-BIODELEAR took place on 29th and 30th of September 2014, in Chandris Hotel in the island of Chios. The purpose of the meeting was to select the citrus orchards by visiting the sites of the citrus orchards in the area “Campos” for the implementation of the project, to reach an agreement with citrus orchards producers and discus details for the implementation of the project between the beneficiaries (Associated and Coordinating) and the citrus producers.

Read more: 1st Steering Committee (SC) of LIFE-BIODELEAR

After-life plan
