The research team of the University of Thessaly, under the responsibility of the Professor of Agricultural Entomology, Nikolaos Papadopoulos, in the framework of the integrated strategy for dealing with the Mediterranean fly, has completed the identification and geographic mapping of thematic maps of the alternative hosts, both within the experimental orchards. These geographic maps are already being used in the implementation of the integrated strategy using the mass trapping method in collaboration with the research team of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

In March 2018 pitfall traps were installed in the experimental orchards of the LIFE-BIODELEAR project, aiming at assessing the arthropod pest diversity. Systematic identification of the collected samples has highlighted the presence of small populations of diplopoda, chilopoda and insects such as Coleoptera (of the families Carabidae, Staphylinidae and Sylhidae) and Hymenoptera (of the Formicidae family).


In May of 2018, a pitfall traps installation was carried out, in experimental orchards. Since the first analysis of the samples, the recovery of the terrestrial arthropoda population has recovered due to the seasonal increase in temperature.
 In May 2018, the first fogging sampling was also conducted to study the diversity of arthropods in tree trunks, experimental orchards.

Method fogging

After-life plan
