The LIFE-BIODELEAR project participated in the 10th International Symposium of Fruit Files of Economic Importance to be held from 23-27 April 2018, in Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico.

The aim of these meetings is to gather scientists, researchers, and those involved in plant protection agencies and phytosanitary operational programs, to share knowledge, technologies and experiences regarding fruit flies. 

The symposium program covered all relevant disciplines ranging from basic knowledge to applied research. Ten sessions have been considered:

Biology, Ecology, Physiology and Behavior 

Taxonomy and Morphology 

Genetics and Biotechnology

Chemical Ecology and Attractants

Risk Assessment, Quarantine and Post-harvest

Sterile Insect Technique 

Natural Enemies and Biologiccal Control

Other Control Methods

Area-wide Integrated Pest Management and Action Programs

Social, Economic and Policy Issues of Action Programs

300 participants from 62 different countries attended the seminar
On the second day of the conference, Monday 24 April 2018, professor, Nikolaos Koulousis, had the opportunity to talk and present the work of LIFE-BIODELEAR "Addressing Mediterranean fly with an innovative and environmentally friendly attractant through an Integrated Pest Management Strategy "to the participants of the conference.


After-life plan
